Frequently Asked Question
What are Atakule's hours?
Atakule is open to visitors on weekdays and weekend between 10.00 and 22.00.Restaurant service hours may vary.
What are the restaurants’ hours?
The hours of restaurants in Atakule vary. Please contact with the restaurants for the hours.
Does Atakule have parking area? Is valet parking available?
We have parking garage. The entrance of the garage is on Çankaya Street. Valet parking service is available.
Do you have a wedding hall?
We have Event Hall and Atakule Terrace area for your weddings, cocktails and special events.
Where can I learn about rental terms?
You can submit your rental application via the communication form available in our website.
Can I get information about your unique and exclusive movie theatres?
Enjoy comfy theatres with the concepts of Tempur Cinema, Gold Class, Premium Cinema and Skybox. You can find detailed information by visiting the website.
What is Tax Free Point service area?
Our esteemed guests who came to visit us from abroad, you could bring your invoice to the information desk after your purchases from our Tax Free stores in Atakule and benefit from the Tax Free service.
Are strollers available in Atakule?
Atakule provides strollers to visitors with babies from the information desk at no cost.
Is shooting with personal camera allowed in Atakule?
Non-commercial shootings are allowed in Atakule unless our guests are not disturbed.
Are electric vehicle charging stations available in Atakule?
Yes, Atakule has two charging stations on the P1 floor.
Do you have a checkroom?
We do not offer checkroom service.
Where is the masjid in Atakule?
Two masjids for women and men are located on the P2 floor.
What are the Atakule Terrace’s hours?
The Atakule Terrace is open to visitors on weekdays and weekend between 10.00-22.00, yet the hours vary seasonal. Please contact us at 444 6 282 for further information.
Are pets allowed?
We kindly inform you that only small-sized pets that can be comfortably carried in your lap will be allowed during your visit to Atakule. For their safety and the convenience of all our guests, we ask that these furry friends remain leashed while exploring Atakule's premises. Please do not forget to have your little companions wear their leashes and allow them to explore the beauty of Atakule. *Certified guide dogs are exempted. **Policies regarding restaurants may vary.
Where can I learn about the events?
All events’ details are available on our website and social media accounts.
Where can I find job openings at Atakule?
You can share your CV’s via e-mail on [email protected]
What is the brand name of the soap in the restrooms?
The soaps in the restrooms are made exclusively for Atakule.
Where are baby care rooms in Atakule?
Baby care rooms are available on all floors of Atakule.
Does Atakule offer free Wi-Fi service?
Yes, Atakule offers free Wi-Fi service.
Where can I charge my phone in Atakule?
You can use Beefull charging stations at the Information Desk
Are wheelchairs available in Atakule?
Atakule provides wheelchairs to visitors with special needs from the security points at no cost.
How can I visit Atakule Green Terrace?
1. Guests, who bought the Tower Observation Deck tickets, are granted complimentary access to Atakule Green Terrace on the same day. 2. Guests, who spent a total of 600 TL or more at Atakule in a single day, receive a complimentary Atakule Green Terrace experience for two. This offer must be redeemed on the same day. Additionally, guests wishing to visit Atakule Green Terrace, can purchase a pass ticket, granting all-day access • Adults: 200₺ • Discounted: 100₺